Monday, August 30, 2021

Sue Alexander -snake oil

 It's election time again.  The nasty tricks and underhanded behavior from Sue Alexander and James McFall is back.  Sue Alexander has thrown her hat into the ring as candidate for Mayor but she has McFall and the "golf cart" ladies posting election signs in violation of our code.  Code enforcement will be busy looking after Sue Alexander and McFall and the crew for sure.

  Posting election signs in violation of Windcrest Code is evidence of the candidates true character!  Sue was removed from the WEDC where she tried to float false dollar figures to the citizens.

Sue Alexander seems to follow her own set of laws and rules.  Many say that mentality can not be trusted to follow Texas law let alone any finance laws.  Hold on to your pocket book folks, Sue is pushing snake oil and bending all the laws while running for Mayor.


Can Sue Alexander Read?

Sue Alexander, candidate for Mayor of  Windcrest, either does not read or she simply dismisses the laws (codes) of Windcrest?  James McFall was seen posting election signs about Windcrest for Sue Alexander over the Aug 28, 2021 weekend.  Election signs are NOT allowed for another month.  Proof positive that Sue Alexander can't read.  
 Sue Alexander is another "Win at all Costs" type of candidate.  Do you want Sue Alexander for your next Mayor?  Sue Alexander can not follow simple election sign code so why would she follow any other law.  Beware.