Saturday, December 20, 2014

City Manger getting Fireed?

Rafael Castillo Fired for Street Fighting??

Windcrest resorts to street fighting to convince citizens what they should do.  Will the City Manager, Rafael Castillo, be fired for street fighting with a Windcrest Citizen in front of Windcrest City Hall.  Yes, right in front of city hall by the Christmas tree..  

 Sources say Rafael Castillo initiated a conversation with the Citizen about the Bexar County Water Control and Improvement District #10 construction project.  During the conversation a scuffle began, some injuries were incurred before Mayor Baxter broke up the fight.

 Totally unacceptable conduct for a City Manager or any public official under any circumstances.  Rafael Castillo should be fired, but will Mayor Baxter release his main straw puppet. 

  The Water District General Manager submitted his resignation letter this month, maybe Rafael should follow suit.  

 Enjoy viewing the Christmas lights in Windcrest.

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