Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Racker Road Change Orders

 Racker Road is very near completion, however, a WEDC board members indicated having two way traffic at the frontage road entrance was very dangerous and Racker Alley should be changed to One Way.

 Racker Alley in case you wondered is the drive/street off IH 35 Frontage Road that runs between Applebee's and Olive Garden.  
  The changing of the signage, road markings etc were approved "verbally"  according to the engineer overseeing the Rack Road project.  Racker Alley is being changed from a Two Way Street to a One Way street right now.
  This Change Order comes in the final days of the entire Racker Road project and a road way approved by two engineer firms, RackSpace, WEDC and I assume Texdot at some point, being an entrance to their frontage road.  Who overlooked this dangerous situation at the beginning?

  The engineer hired to oversee the Racker Road project for WEDC said there were several change orders he had not approved.  The engineer indicated the work had been completed, he just had not approved the payment of the change order.

 The WEDC board president indicated he would assist the engineer in negotiating the amount being charged for these outstanding change orders.
"Change Orders" are normally approved before changes are made to the construction plans.  How do you complete the work indicated on a change order without having the cost approved?  Can a contractor charge what ever he wants for a change order?



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