Thursday, July 18, 2013

WEDC Hires City Employee as Administrative Assistant

Windcrest Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) voted 3-1 to hire Michael McAlear as a part time administrative assistant for the WEDC.  Michael is currently a full time employee in the Windcrest Finance Department. He will work both jobs according to the board members and executive director.
  Michael has a Masters Degree in Public Administration and has the experience needed for the vacancy said board member Sue Alexander.  She conducted the interview with applicants for the job.
  Another WEDC board member asked if there was a job description because she had not seen it.  Sue Alexander said yes and produced a copy to hand over.
  Strange that fellow board members do not already have a job description for a vacancy the board is trying to fill.

  In this part time position Michael will work between 20-30 hours per week.  For special events he may work more hours and the city is OK with that.   Michael already receives benefits with his full time finance job so WEDC will pay Michael a flat rate of $23,000 per year as a contract employee.

  The WEDC lawyer did not have a problem with the arrangement.  The WEDC president is also an Attorney, he did not voice any concerns, but I think the deal stinks!
   This does not pass the smell test!  Michael will have to work 60 hours a week minimum to satisfy both job requirements.  Now he could answer calls to WEDC while at his Finance Desk and conduct WEDC business from that same desk, how is that a sweet deal or what.
  He could move his finance work to the WEDC trailer and work both jobs from the same phone.
  No one works at city hall after 6 PM (i'm being generous, it really 4:30 PM), so what will Michael be doing to reach 20 hrs each week.  The Launch party at Rackspace on July 25 will net him a few actual working hours.  Paid to Party, can't beat that deal!
  Only with this current administration could something like this happen.


  1. Very odd that WEDC members did not have the job description, as you say, for vacancy they are trying to fill. And it seems impossible for an employee to work 60-70 hours a week every week.

  2. Thanks for this good information! How can one person work that many hours a week! And curious that WESC members would not have been familiar with the job description!

    How did the 'Launch Party' go? Drove by at 7:30 pm and saw almost no cars in parking lot. Supposed to be from 6-9. Just curious.
