Monday, July 22, 2013

Windsor Park Mall Trailer Park!

Follow up to the recent post concerning Termination of Restrictive Covenants.  The original document is huge so only the first two pages were scanned (see below) which details the prohibited establishments for the 111 acres of newly annexed property. These are NO longer prohibited.

The original WEDC board had the right idea, they established a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants in August 2007 when the property was purchased by WEDC.  The restrictions was meant to prohibit busniesses such as mobile home parks, sexually oriented businesses, and those small used car lots,  etc.  
 The WEDC Board approved a motion to Terminate the entire Declaration of Restrictive Covenants!!
  Trailer Parks, Mobile Home Parks are no longer prohibited.  I'm not expecting anything like this in the immediate future, but 5-10 years down the road, guess what!!

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