Sunday, October 12, 2014

Windcrest Cover UP

  Remember the city stopped using Crack Seal on our streets a few years back.  The Mayor stated during council that the new process was better, so they were no longer using Crack Seal.  Matter a fact Public Works sold (or selling) the machine used in Crack Filling.

  Now the latest!!  Major street repairs were completed on BlueGrass Dr, between Balfour about 6 months ago.  I said Major, because they lowered the entire intersection by some 18" to allow for drainage from Bluegrass.

  Walking along that new section I noticed a bunch of CRACKS, yep, cracks in this newly completed major road repair job.  Some about 24" from the new concrete curbs, other right down the middle of the street.  This week I observed a white suv parked on Bluegrass and several gentleman were looking and measuring those cracks.

  Today I noticed those crack has been SEALED.  Yes, Crack Seal was used by the contractor to cover up those cracks.

  Now, why would the contractor use Crack Seal on his 6 month old project?  Seems a major repair job should last more than 6 months before needing repairs.  Must have been the low bidder I bet.

Notice,the City has chosen NOT to use Crack Seal on the rest of our streets.  Yet the contractor uses crack seal to protect his work.

  Jim Shelton and Jake Jacobi are on the Stree Repair Committee that brought us this fantastic piece of work.
  It's time to change the leadership on City Council.  Vote Reese, Moncada and Scott.

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