Monday, October 6, 2014

Windcrest Politics Shameful!!

  The current administration is always saying the past administration was not open and transparent.

News Flash!  The current administration with Jim Shelton, Jake Jacobi and Pam Dodson running for re-election is a slap in the face.

  I don't broadcast my opinions like our Mayor and Council do in their monthly political magazine, I deal with hard facts.  Facts that can be verified with documents and official videos.

  Fact.. In May 2014 council passed a resolution approving a month to month contract for Contract Planning services.  Ms Cedillo is being paid $2750 per month.  That's for a max of 20 hours per month too folks.
  The finance officer briefed council of the effects of this resolution and said the money, some $24,000 was available.  That part is true.  It's in the budget under 514-321 alright.

  Now the facts.  She has been working since May of 2013 and turning in invoices each month for her $2750.  I have seen the budget entries for multiple payments to Ms Cedillo, she is in fact being paid and has been for the past 13 months.  

  Now, look at the budget.  There is still $24,000 in 514-321 line item.  It has not changed!  Why?

She was hired as a contractor for Planing services and the budget does not reflect one penny being spent.  Not very OPEN and TRANSPARENT is you ask me.  What slush fund is she being paid from?

  Jake Jacobi, Jim Shelton, and Pam Dodson voted for this resolution.  They must have blinders on or sleeping at the wheel.

  Rafael Castillo, City Manager is responsible for the budget.  They (council) just gave him a huge pay increase for doing his job.  Where is he hiding the expenditures?  

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