Sunday, October 12, 2014

Windcrest Elections- Time for Change

  The Political atmosphere in Windcrest is heating up.  The Mayor is spending lots of tax payers money trying to get his slate of candidates elected to keep his misguided, somewhat corrupt agenda alive.

The City of Windcrest Elections  for City Council (3 Places) and Elections for the Bexar County Water Control and Improvement District #10 (3 Directors)
  The current Windcrest administration has created a web site supporting certain candidates while using the official city logo and probably even using city staff to develop and maintain the web page.

  The Mayor is throwing a private Meet the Candidates, meaning meet HIS candidates, hand picked, loyal soldiers that will follow his commands.  The opposing candidates are NOT invited.

   Using an elected position and city resources to campaign for selective candidates is wrong.  Supporting candidates of his choice is ok, but on his own dime, not on  the tax payers dime.

  Notice the signs.  Signs with three candidates on the same sign.  What is that??  So much for independent thinkers, candidates with integrity etc.  These candidates have scripted agendas.

  We need responsible leadership in City Council.  Honest people with integrity that will put an end to this "good Ole Boy" mentality currently on City Council.

Here are a  few examples of what the current council is condoning.

 High paid consultants working less than 20 hours per month, costing us $33,000 a year.

 Hiring part time employees @ $75,000 year without even a job application!

 Paying Health Benefits for Contract Employees!

Contract employee working less than full time at $80,000 per year.

Contract employee working full time at $95,000 plus receives addition health benefits.

Paying annual "Stipends" to  contract LLC's.

Paying Contract employees additional money and hiding it under Special Legal Fees so you won't notice.

Every example listed can be verified in the financial documents.  Most are hidden or disguised to look like something else, but they are there.

Please support these candidates:  Vote For

Dan Reese for City Council Place 1Henry Monacada, City Council Plate 2Mike Scott, City Council Plate 3
MelRoy Brandt, Water District #10 DirectorPaul Greenwood, Water District #10 DirectorJohn Fagin, Water District #10 Director.

These candidates are all honest, independent thinkers with integrity.

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